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December 29, 2020

I'll be honest. I didn't do much today, business-wise. Heck, I haven't really done much since last Wednesday! And I won't do much until January 4, 2021.

I admit it: During the end-of-year holidays, I never do much, if anything, business-wise.

But I did take my two littlest kids and my wife to Mt. Rainier National Park today. We played in the snow. Actually, it wasn't so much snow as it was ice. We drove all the way to the “end” of Highway 410. Every year, they close it down due to ice and snow and this year is no different.

It's only about an hour and a half from our house, so, all told, we were only gone about 5 hours. Three to get there and back and two to play.

When we got home, I promptly dosed in and out of sleep while we sat in front of the TV.

Yes, a fairly boring day! But sometimes, that's what the body, mind, and spirit need.

I've got a whiteboard full of notes about what I'll be doing the next few weeks. I've got several pictures on my phone of prior whiteboard notes that I need to catch up on.

But it can wait. 2021 is right around the corner and I hope it's better than 2020 was.

I'm confident the vaccines will eventually get to all of us and COVID will be a thing of the past. Once that happens, the economy will come roaring back. In fact, I think it will be a BOOM like none of us have ever seen before.

I hope I'm right. All signs–right now–are pointing to a very harsh winter. Most hospitals are at maximum capacity and ICU beds are full of COVID-19 patients. Lockdowns have been re-implemented and the virus is spreading faster than ever.

All that said, I do believe we will in fact “turn the corner” some time in mid-2021. When that happens, be ready.

What does that mean? People may not be investing in your (or my) services right now, but they will. There will be so much pent-up demand that you need to get ready in the first half of 2021 for what may (will?) come in the second half.

Well, that's my little pep talk for myself. I hope it comes to fruition. Take care and talk tomorrow!

Oh, I almost forgot – if you want to try a neat little trick on list building, try this. It's a free report you can download that tells you about a case study of a marketer who tried a tactic that worked…like gangbusters.

The article was originally published here!


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