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December 22, 2020 (The Thing About Habits)

Whelp! I missed writing yesterday. *They say* that in order to make a thing a habit, you must do it 21 times consistently.

I don't know if 21 is the right number. Why not 20? 23? 37? 3?

What I do know is two isn't the magic number for creating a sustainable habit.

So this is my third daily writing out of four (I don't write on weekends). Time to refocus, keep my eye on the prize, and keep pushing.

On Starting a Podcast

A thing I'd like to do in 2021 is a podcast. I wrote about this last time. I'm still pondering it. What would people like to see? I've listened to dozens, maybe hundreds of podcasts, and many are just dandy. They've found their product.

I've yet to find mine. What about you?

How's the weather?

It snowed last night. We got about a 1/1000th of an inch. But the kids were giddy. And that's good enough for now.

I've always wanted to get one of those “weather machines.” They fascinate me. In fact, the weather fascinates me. I've kind of always had this fantasy of being the weather man. You know, David Letterman was a weather man and look where he landed. LOL.

One of my kids and I were talking about predicting the weather. He said it wasn't possible because of chaos theory. Is he right?

I think he's wrong. Given enough variables, you can construct an equation (or set) to predict anything with reasonable accuracy, given you know enough about the inputs.

What do you think?

It's almost Christmas

Hopefully, any shopping you needed to do has already been done. We've been done for a while now. Just waiting for the last little things to trickle in. And if they don't get here, so what. It's 2020. Things could be worse.

Things can always be worse. I wrote about that here (but you have to join the group – it's private). I'd love to see you there, by the way.

That's it for today. Maybe one day I'll tell you how this day started. Let's just say that it will most likely end better than it started. And that's a good thing.

Be well, mask up, stay home as much as possible, and love the ones you're with.

So long. See you tomorrow (if that habit thing works).

The article was originally published here!


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