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Four Life Hacks that Actually WORK!

I consider myself a productivity expert. After all, I have 4 kids, a wife, a business, and a plethora of hobbies and responsibilities.

I couldn't get anything done if I didn't employ some time-saving or productivity-enhancing life hacks.

Now, I know a lot of people have soured on the term, “life hack.” “Life hacking” is also a no-no.

But call them what you want – they are ways to get more shit done in less time.

That's it. More shit done in less time.

There's also another well-known term in productivity circles (also in the self-help niche): The Miracle Morning.

That started out as one dude's way to start his day off right. It became a book, then sub-books, and finally a movement. Yes, it became…a thing.

I firmly believe in morning routines. But I also believe in afternoon routines and evening routines.

But that's for another day.

No matter. Here are 4 things I do every day to boost my productivity and wring out all 86,400 seconds of every day.

  1. Unlike most mere mortals, I do NOT put my pants on one leg at a time. Nope. I get up on my bed, lie down, and put my pants on, both legs at a time. Ditto for shoes.
  2. I brush my teeth and shave in the shower.
  3. I have a “pile” of shirts I wear each day. I take the top one and put it on. I don't waste time deciding “what to wear.” Some days, of course, I wear something over the shirt, but only if I'm cold. I do the same for pants, socks, and underwear. Hey, I'm a simple guy.
  4. I create what I call a “to-DONE” list at the end of the day, right before bed. First, I check off what I accomplished that day. Then I write down the three things I want to accomplish the following day.

They sound quaint and easy. But they work. I've been doing these things every day for about 40 years 🙂

How much time do they save? #1 and #2? Probably 5 minutes, max. #3 could save 30 minutes!

The biggest time (and mind-) saver is #4 – I've found writing down the three things to be vitally important to getting shit done and feeling a lot better about what I did today.

If you want more tips like these, let me know!

The article was originally published here!


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