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January 21, 2021 – Busy or Productive?

Busy and productive don't always go hand in hand.
January 21, 2021 Daily Blog Post – Busy or Productive? Both, Neither?

Internet Marketers kind of fall into two general buckets: Busy or Productive.

Which one are you?

It's easy to be busy. You just do stuff.

But being productive takes more thought: You have to be strategic with your time. Once a minute goes by, you can't get it back.

This doesn't mean (at all) that you have to be productive all the time. Quite the opposite.

You DO HAVE to learn to be productive–at least in short bursts–if you are to ever FINISH anything.

Busy people start lots of things but rarely finish anything. Productive people finish.

It's kind of a akin to the old saying about salesmen: Anybody can be a sales person, but only closers (finishers) are successful.

That's how I see it. Agree or disagree?

This post was inspired by a blog post I read by Seth Godin this morning. You can read it below.

The article was originally published here!


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