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Be.Live Is On Sale Now at AppSumo!

Creating a live show online is a great way to display your expertise and magnetic personality. (Not to mention show off your new kitchen remodel. “Ooh, that backsplash!”)

But producing livestreams is a lot of work just for your content to disappear after your broadcast.

What if you could set up livestreams in no time while repurposing that content like a pro?

Inviting guests to your livestream is key when you want to reach more people and add more value to the experience (especially if your guest has that highly-coveted Instagram clout).

Share your permanent guest link with trusted guests and recurring talent on your show so they can hop on quickly.

For more security, you can also generate a unique and secure guest link for every stream and share it with anyone you want to invite.

With Be.Live, you can have up to 10 guests waiting in the Staging Area and feature up to four people on screen.

Get Be.Live today.

The article was originally published here!


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