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How to Let Your Subscribers Mute Your Emails

Give your subscribers the freedom to choose what content they want by letting them “mute” your emails.

Not every subscriber will be as excited as you are about your new product, promotion, event ⏤ or whatever cool new thing you’re ready to share. Until now, they’ve only had two choices: ignore your emails or unsubscribe. But there’s a third option: 

Let them “mute” your promotional emails. 

Instead of unsubscribing from ALL of your emails, subscribers can choose to mute those particular emails, and still continue to receive other emails from you. 

This allows you to send to subscribers who actually want to receive those particular emails. You’ll likely see higher open and click rates, increased conversion rates, and more revenue generated from this targeted audience. 

Simply include a “mute” button or link in your emails.

Then, using AWeber’s broadcast automations, apply a tag to any subscriber that clicks the “mute” link or button. You can then exclude subscribers with the tag from future broadcasts about that particular topic or promotion. 

Watch this 8-minute video to learn how to add a “mute” button or link to your emails, and create a segment of interested subscribers.

The post How to Let Your Subscribers Mute Your Emails appeared first on Internet Marketing Muscle.

The article was originally published here!


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