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Traffic Profits

Image by John Howard from Pixabay

I've been at this “internet marketing” deal for a LONG time (since about 1997).

I've learned tons over the years. Many things have emerged and a lot has changed.

But there's one thing that really hasn't and that's C–>T–>P–>M.

In order to be a successful marketer, you need a few “basics,” and these basics cover the following:

  • Content
  • Traffic
  • Pre-selling (or just plain selling), and
  • Monetization

If you want to be a successful internet marketer, you need a few things.

You need a blog, webhosting, and a domain name. Get an email service provide like Aweber and collect email addresses of your visitors.

You need to publish content. A LOT of content. It can be on your website, but it can also be in Facebook groups and pages, YouTube, your email marketing, LinkedIn, Twitter, you name it.

Once you have that continuous content creation routine in place, you need to drive traffic to it so people can consume it.

A lot of your traffic-driving comes simply from the content creation itself, in terms of SEO. Google WILL pick up your content, index it, and run it through its algorithm. If your content is good, it will get ranked in the top 10.

But you still would be wise to drive your own traffic to your content because you should never put all your eggs in the Google basket.

Your content, of course, should not just be informational. It should “ask for the sale” or–at the very least–“pre-sell” the sales page you're about to send them to (if an affiliate offer).

And, of course, that “selling” should result in money. Revenue. It's why you do what you do.

This ain't no hobby. It's a business and you must treat it as such.

Part of any business–a big part–is selling. There is no way around it.

Which brings me to today's offer: Traffic Profits. This VERY INEXPENSIVE course will teach you how to drive traffic to your content so that you can monetize it and build a profitable internet business.

Forty pages of no-fluff, quality traffic-driving content, strategies, and tactics that will get people to your site. THEN you can sell 'em something.

Traffic Profits will show you over 100 ways to drive free traffic to your site. It covers content syndication to sites like Quora and Medium (HUGE traffic-generators, if done right).

All in all, this is an indispensable traffic-getting resource. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.

Once you learn how to drive traffic to all of your offers & content, you will never eat pork ‘n beans again (only if you want to–and that makes you a sick sick person, IMHO).

The post Traffic Profits appeared first on Internet Marketing Muscle.

The article was originally published here!
Traffic Profits


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