How you doin'? (Joey from Friends reference) Shorts Have you tried “shorts?” No, I don't mean shorting the stock market, though that would not be a bad idea right about now. There's a new president, we've had a remarkable bull market , even in the face of horrible economic news (worst job losses EVER for nearly a year now), and there's no end in sight (yet–to me) of this crappy pandemic we call “The COVID.” In fact, since around January 2009, the stock market (DJIA) has done nothing but rise. We did have a drastic pullback in early 2020, but then the bull market took off again. But that's not why you're here. When I say “shorts,” I mean short content. It could be writing, speaking (podcasts), or video. YouTube seems to love short content. Amazon does, too. I'm giving short content a go with Amazon Kindle books. Instead of a 10-chapter book, I'm publishing 10 books of one chapter each. Each “short” will be...