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Showing posts from February, 2021

Once a Week Newsletter #21 – Amplify Your Reach with Podcasts, Landing Pages, Plus 9 Ways to Make Money Online (and more!)

9 Ways to Make Money Online, FB Business Pages, and more! Welcome to another edition of the Once a Week Newsletter! This is Lucky Number 21 (Blackjack!) As I write this, it's Tuesday , February 23, 2021. It's COLD and WET. But NOT SNOWY. So, no shoveling this week We do have planes falling out of the sky, horrible weather in Texas and the nation, and COVID-19 is still a thing. But hopefully, come this summer, we will be a little bit back to normal. PREDICTION : We will see an economic BOOM the likes you and I may have never seen before. All before 2021 is over. Mark my words. So…be ready with stuff to sell into that economic upturn! Alright, onto this Lucky Number 21… Podcast Promotion: 5 Ways to Amplify Your Podcast Reach In podcasting, competition is growing. It’s critical to make sure your podcast promotion strategy is designed to cut through the noise. How to Create a Twitter Landing Page Find out how Twitter landing pages fit int...

Once a Week Newsletter #21 – Amplify Your Reach with Podcasts, Landing Pages, Plus 9 Ways to Make Money Online (and more!)

9 Ways to Make Money Online, FB Business Pages, and more! Welcome to another edition of the Once a Week Newsletter! This is Lucky Number 21 (Blackjack!) As I write this, it's Tuesday , February 23, 2021. It's COLD and WET. But NOT SNOWY. So, no shoveling this week We do have planes falling out of the sky, horrible weather in Texas and the nation, and COVID-19 is still a thing. But hopefully, come this summer, we will be a little bit back to normal. PREDICTION : We will see an economic BOOM the likes you and I may have never seen before. All before 2021 is over. Mark my words. So…be ready with stuff to sell into that economic upturn! Alright, onto this Lucky Number 21… Podcast Promotion: 5 Ways to Amplify Your Podcast Reach In podcasting, competition is growing. It’s critical to make sure your podcast promotion strategy is designed to cut through the noise. How to Create a Twitter Landing Page Find out how Twitter landing pages fit int...

Four Life Hacks that Actually WORK!

I consider myself a productivity expert. After all, I have 4 kids, a wife, a business, and a plethora of hobbies and responsibilities. I couldn't get anything done if I didn't employ some time-saving or productivity-enhancing life hacks. Now, I know a lot of people have soured on the term, “life hack.” “Life hacking” is also a no-no. But call them what you want – they are ways to get more shit done in less time. That's it. More shit done in less time. There's also another well-known term in productivity circles (also in the self-help niche): The Miracle Morning . That started out as one dude's way to start his day off right. It became a book, then sub-books, and finally a movement. Yes, it became…a thing. I firmly believe in morning routines. But I also believe in afternoon routines and evening routines. But that's for another day. No matter. Here are 4 things I do every day to boost my productivity and wring o...

Four Life Hacks that Actually WORK!

I consider myself a productivity expert. After all, I have 4 kids, a wife, a business, and a plethora of hobbies and responsibilities. I couldn't get anything done if I didn't employ some time-saving or productivity-enhancing life hacks. Now, I know a lot of people have soured on the term, “life hack.” “Life hacking” is also a no-no. But call them what you want – they are ways to get more shit done in less time. That's it. More shit done in less time. There's also another well-known term in productivity circles (also in the self-help niche): The Miracle Morning . That started out as one dude's way to start his day off right. It became a book, then sub-books, and finally a movement. Yes, it became…a thing. I firmly believe in morning routines. But I also believe in afternoon routines and evening routines. But that's for another day. No matter. Here are 4 things I do every day to boost my productivity and wring o...

Once a Week Newsletter #20 – Netflix & Chill, Stop Words, Newsletters, and more!

Netflix, marketing, SEO, and more! Welcome to another edition of the Once a Week Newsletter! This is Number 20, in case you're keeping track. Even if you aren't, it's a nice round number, right? LOL As I write this, it's Tuesday , February 16, 2021. It snowed over the 3-day weekend, so you know what that means! SHOVELING! Oh, and playing in the snow. That was fun. Shoveling wasn't bad, either. I mean, it was less than a foot of snow over (primarily) two days. Alright, onto this week's newsletter… 15 Beyond-the-Obvious Films and Shows Every Marketer Should Watch on Netflix Here are 15 beyond-the-obvious films, documentaries, and shows every marketer should watch on Netflix to boost your creativity, vision, and motivation. Bottom Line: Get your Netflix & Chill on, baby! There's a lot of great marketing content there. Google: Stop Worrying About Stop Words Just Write Naturally A couple of weeks ago, the SEO industry couldn...

Once a Week Newsletter #20 – Netflix & Chill, Stop Words, Newsletters, and more!

Netflix, marketing, SEO, and more! Welcome to another edition of the Once a Week Newsletter! This is Number 20, in case you're keeping track. Even if you aren't, it's a nice round number, right? LOL As I write this, it's Tuesday , February 16, 2021. It snowed over the 3-day weekend, so you know what that means! SHOVELING! Oh, and playing in the snow. That was fun. Shoveling wasn't bad, either. I mean, it was less than a foot of snow over (primarily) two days. Alright, onto this week's newsletter… 15 Beyond-the-Obvious Films and Shows Every Marketer Should Watch on Netflix Here are 15 beyond-the-obvious films, documentaries, and shows every marketer should watch on Netflix to boost your creativity, vision, and motivation. Bottom Line: Get your Netflix & Chill on, baby! There's a lot of great marketing content there. Google: Stop Worrying About Stop Words Just Write Naturally A couple of weeks ago, the SEO industry couldn...

Total Traffic Review

Hey all, I just did a review of an internet marketing product called “ Total Traffic .” I'd love it if you took a look at it. It's the first product review I've done. It actually took a lot of courage to get back in front of the camera. It's been a long time…I used to do training videos and live presentations all the time, but since I moved, I haven't really done anything video-related. So please give it a look. I'd appreciate it. Here's a brief summary of the review: Total Traffic teaches 15 methods for generating traffic to any link you want to promote. I found it very well done. Some of the methods were new to me, which is kind of surprising since “I've seen it all.” Clearly, I haven't. But one thing I'm really good at is blogging. And that's why I included 5 bonus reports on how to drive traffic to your blog. I like the product. The bonuses make it even better, IMHO. Total Traffic – check it out...

Total Traffic Review

Hey all, I just did a review of an internet marketing product called “ Total Traffic .” I'd love it if you took a look at it. It's the first product review I've done. It actually took a lot of courage to get back in front of the camera. It's been a long time…I used to do training videos and live presentations all the time, but since I moved, I haven't really done anything video-related. So please give it a look. I'd appreciate it. Here's a brief summary of the review: Total Traffic teaches 15 methods for generating traffic to any link you want to promote. I found it very well done. Some of the methods were new to me, which is kind of surprising since “I've seen it all.” Clearly, I haven't. But one thing I'm really good at is blogging. And that's why I included 5 bonus reports on how to drive traffic to your blog. I like the product. The bonuses make it even better, IMHO. Total Traffic – check it out...

February 11, 2021 – Think Outside the Box

Is thinking “outside the box” a real thing? The “smart people” always suggest that you should “think outside the box.” Should you? And is “thinking outside of the box” even a THING? I'll answer. But first, what is “the box?” I suggest it's conventional thinking. If we start there, then thinking inside the conventional box is probably a good thing, 80 percent (or more) of the time. Why? Because your customers ARE conventional, in most cases. People who buy soap, take out, and automobiles are mostly conventional thinkers. They don't want something so different that they stand out in a bad way. For example, do you remember the Yugo? It was an ugly car and screamed, “I don't have enough money to buy an actual car.” I know, a car's purpose is to take you from A to B. But I'm not sure you could drive a Yugo from point A to B without breaking down and getting laughed at. Now, I am t...

February 11, 2021 – Think Outside the Box

Is thinking “outside the box” a real thing? The “smart people” always suggest that you should “think outside the box.” Should you? And is “thinking outside of the box” even a THING? I'll answer. But first, what is “the box?” I suggest it's conventional thinking. If we start there, then thinking inside the conventional box is probably a good thing, 80 percent (or more) of the time. Why? Because your customers ARE conventional, in most cases. People who buy soap, take out, and automobiles are mostly conventional thinkers. They don't want something so different that they stand out in a bad way. For example, do you remember the Yugo? It was an ugly car and screamed, “I don't have enough money to buy an actual car.” I know, a car's purpose is to take you from A to B. But I'm not sure you could drive a Yugo from point A to B without breaking down and getting laughed at. Now, I am t...

February 11, 2021 – Think Outside the Box

Is thinking “outside the box” a real thing? The “smart people” always suggest that you should “think outside the box.” Should you? And is “thinking outside of the box” even a THING? I'll answer. But first, what is “the box?” I suggest it's conventional thinking. If we start there, then thinking inside the conventional box is probably a good thing, 80 percent (or more) of the time. Why? Because your customers ARE conventional, in most cases. People who buy soap, take out, and automobiles are mostly conventional thinkers. They don't want something so different that they stand out in a bad way. For example, do you remember the Yugo? It was an ugly car and screamed, “I don't have enough money to buy an actual car.” I know, a car's purpose is to take you from A to B. But I'm not sure you could drive a Yugo from point A to B without breaking down and getting laughed at. Now, I am t...

Once a Week Newsletter #19 – SEO, Neuroscience, a Blogging Checklist, and more!

SEO, blogging, creativity, Excel, customer acquisition Welcome to another edition of the Once a Week Newsletter! This is Number 19, in case you're keeping track. LOL As I write this, it's Wednesday, February 10, 2021. It's freezing cold up here in the Pacific Northwest! It's likely not to get above freezing (32 degrees Fahrenheit, or 0 degrees Celsius) for another week. For this California boy, that's C-O-L-D! Oh, and it's going to snow the next few days. So we may be snowed in. While our cars are AWD, they don't plow the streets up here because it snows so infrequently. They do lay down some sort of chemical early in the Fall to mitigate icing over, but it's not very effective. We always laugh at the ONE snowplow the city has that never moves when we drive by where the city keeps it. (Side hustle idea: Get a snowplow.) Planning for another Snowmageddon…what is on your Top Ten list of things to have on hand during a prolonged iso...

Once a Week Newsletter #19 – SEO, Neuroscience, a Blogging Checklist, and more!

SEO, blogging, creativity, Excel, customer acquisition Welcome to another edition of the Once a Week Newsletter! This is Number 19, in case you're keeping track. LOL As I write this, it's Wednesday, February 10, 2021. It's freezing cold up here in the Pacific Northwest! It's likely not to get above freezing (32 degrees Fahrenheit, or 0 degrees Celsius) for another week. For this California boy, that's C-O-L-D! Oh, and it's going to snow the next few days. So we may be snowed in. While our cars are AWD, they don't plow the streets up here because it snows so infrequently. They do lay down some sort of chemical early in the Fall to mitigate icing over, but it's not very effective. We always laugh at the ONE snowplow the city has that never moves when we drive by where the city keeps it. (Side hustle idea: Get a snowplow.) Planning for another Snowmageddon…what is on your Top Ten list of things to have on hand during a prolonged iso...

February 9, 2021 – Affiliate Marketing, Content Distribution, and Miscellaneous Ramblings

Lots of noise in the world…let's talk about affiliate marketing! Lots going on in the world today. Still fighting the COVID-19 pandemic (numbers are finally going down), Trump's second impeachment (will this be “must-see TV” – I don't know and I won't be watching), and it's FREEZING up here in the PNW. Could get a couple inches of snow. Snow day! Except the kids aren't IN school. They're “distance learning.” Anyhoo…let's talk affiliate marketing. What is Affiliate Marketing? Think of selling something. It could be something you make yourself or somebody else made it. If the latter, it's affiliate marketing. Of course, I'm really simplifying this. Is a retailer an affiliate marketer? I guess, according to the definition above. According to Wikipedia, Affiliate marketing  is a type of  performance-based marketing  in which a business rewards one or more  affiliates  for each visitor or customer brought by the a...

February 9, 2021 – Affiliate Marketing, Content Distribution, and Miscellaneous Ramblings

Lots of noise in the world…let's talk about affiliate marketing! Lots going on in the world today. Still fighting the COVID-19 pandemic (numbers are finally going down), Trump's second impeachment (will this be “must-see TV” – I don't know and I won't be watching), and it's FREEZING up here in the PNW. Could get a couple inches of snow. Snow day! Except the kids aren't IN school. They're “distance learning.” Anyhoo…let's talk affiliate marketing. What is Affiliate Marketing? Think of selling something. It could be something you make yourself or somebody else made it. If the latter, it's affiliate marketing. Of course, I'm really simplifying this. Is a retailer an affiliate marketer? I guess, according to the definition above. According to Wikipedia, Affiliate marketing  is a type of  performance-based marketing  in which a business rewards one or more  affiliates  for each visitor or customer brought by the a...

February 8, 2021 – Breaking the Rules, Super Bowl, and Writing Copy

Breaking the rules. The above quote, my master business strategist Tom Peters, makes a lot of sense. But in business, especially at the retail, multi-employee enterprise, it's often forgotten. Heck, it's not even a thing any more for a lot of businesses. Yet, it should be. Rules are guideposts. Consider them like guardrails on a highway – they keep your employees from going off the side of the road and into the abyss. But that's not what we're talking about when we say, “Encourage (or authorize) everyone to break the rules “a little bit.” What we mean is, keep it human. If a customer makes a weird request, consider it. Also consider how to fulfill that request without giving the store away. Give your employees autonomy to bend the rules “a little bit.” Doing so will not just satisfy (or impress) your customers. It may also encourage employee retention, which is a huge thing. You may have invested thousands of dollars and dozen...

February 8, 2021 – Breaking the Rules, Super Bowl, and Writing Copy

Breaking the rules. The above quote, my master business strategist Tom Peters, makes a lot of sense. But in business, especially at the retail, multi-employee enterprise, it's often forgotten. Heck, it's not even a thing any more for a lot of businesses. Yet, it should be. Rules are guideposts. Consider them like guardrails on a highway – they keep your employees from going off the side of the road and into the abyss. But that's not what we're talking about when we say, “Encourage (or authorize) everyone to break the rules “a little bit.” What we mean is, keep it human. If a customer makes a weird request, consider it. Also consider how to fulfill that request without giving the store away. Give your employees autonomy to bend the rules “a little bit.” Doing so will not just satisfy (or impress) your customers. It may also encourage employee retention, which is a huge thing. You may have invested thousands of dollars and dozen...