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Lou Ferrigno


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Free Disk Partition Manager

I know you think this is an internet marketing blog, but it's much more than that. I do talk tech from time to time. As it should be--I spent the better part of 20 years in IT departments in Fortune 500 companies as well as a few start ups. So I know just enough to be totally dangerous. In all seriousness, I wanted to share with you a neat little tool that I found the other day out of necessity. It's a free disk partition manager for 32-bit and 64-bit Windows Operating Systems (so it Read more...and please RT, like, and share.

Once a Week Newsletter #21 – Amplify Your Reach with Podcasts, Landing Pages, Plus 9 Ways to Make Money Online (and more!)

9 Ways to Make Money Online, FB Business Pages, and more! Welcome to another edition of the Once a Week Newsletter! This is Lucky Number 21 (Blackjack!) As I write this, it's Tuesday , February 23, 2021. It's COLD and WET. But NOT SNOWY. So, no shoveling this week We do have planes falling out of the sky, horrible weather in Texas and the nation, and COVID-19 is still a thing. But hopefully, come this summer, we will be a little bit back to normal. PREDICTION : We will see an economic BOOM the likes you and I may have never seen before. All before 2021 is over. Mark my words. So…be ready with stuff to sell into that economic upturn! Alright, onto this Lucky Number 21… Podcast Promotion: 5 Ways to Amplify Your Podcast Reach In podcasting, competition is growing. It’s critical to make sure your podcast promotion strategy is designed to cut through the noise. How to Create a Twitter Landing Page Find out how Twitter landing pages fit int...

December 23, 2020

Today, I'm looking inward and forward to 2021 and all the challenges and opportunities it may bring. Google Analytics is a beast Sure, it brings in a ton of data about your website, visits, where they came from, most popular pages, etc. but man, is it unwieldy. So I've started investigating some training on it. Google does offer some free training, which is always a good starter (using the vendor's own training – I mean, it makes sense). Here it is, if you're interested. There's also a promising Udemy course that I'm looking at if I want to take a deeper dive, and I fear I must End of Year Musings Christmas is almost here and I'm looking forward to taking a little time off. I won't go completely dark, but I will turn down the volume considerably. I'm not a big “goals guy” but I do like to reflect back on the year almost completed and briefly look ahead to determine “where I want to go in 2021.” I'll be glad when the pan...