There inevitably comes a time where you must shut down a web site, either temporarily or permanently. There are multiple ways to do this. I just took a web site down that belonged to a customer who decided he didn't have to keep up on his payments. The easiest way to take down a WordPress web site is through a plugin designed specifically for the purpose. Now, truth be told, these plugins are for putting a web site into "maintenance mode." If you are re-designing a web site, you can install one
I know you think this is an internet marketing blog, but it's much more than that. I do talk tech from time to time. As it should be--I spent the better part of 20 years in IT departments in Fortune 500 companies as well as a few start ups.
So I know just enough to be totally dangerous.
In all seriousness, I wanted to share with you a neat little tool that I found the other day out of necessity. It's a free disk partition manager for 32-bit and 64-bit Windows Operating Systems (so it Read more...and please RT, like, and share.
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