By far, social networking and bookmarking is the quickest way to get a flood of traffic to your website. If you're starting a new business, here's what I suggest you do to begin building traffic to your site or blog: Sign up to digg, StumbleUpon, Friendster, Facebook, MySpace, and twitter. Also sign up for Use to post updates to all the above services whenever you post a new page or post on your blog. Use Feedburner to distribute your RSS feed. Make sure you have an RSS link and image at the top of your blog. Make sure that your site or blog has a sitemap. Send that sitemap to , , and (formerly known as Whenever you update or add a page, ping your sitemap to the search engines. If you really want a traffic rush, write something controversial. Your headline is very important here. Instead of writing "Quick Traffic-Building Tactics" (like I did above -- shame on me!), write something like: How to Flood Y...