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Showing posts from October, 2021

Put All Your Eggs in One Basket!

But not just ANY basket. You may have noticed that Facebook was down for a L – O – N – G time today. So was Instagram, Messenger, and WhatsApp (all Facebook apps, or “crapps,” as I call them – LOL). To most of the world, this would bother them. It certainly bothered some heavy FB advertising folks. I suspect the real loss today was in the billions. FB stock lost about $50 billion in market cap. OUCH. But the real question is this: Did it affect you? Did it affect your business? If it did, is there anything you can do to mitigate future losses? The answer is a resounding “YES!”  I've harped on this and at you for over a DECADE now – OWN your own real estate. Don't be a sharecropper. When you run your business on another company's platform, their demise could be yours as well. Plus, they can kick you off their platform at any time for any reason. Just ask former President Trump. (Not to be political, but FB and YouTube kicked him off their plat...